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The Hautes Vosges d'Alsace, an area in the South of Alsace, where the Peaks Road and the Alsace Wine Route begin. Come and discover the Thur and Doller valleys, the cities of Cernay, Masevaux, Saint-Amarin and Thann.
In the mood for nature, wide-open spaces, culture, gastronomy, you will find everything you want and much more in the Hautes Vosges d'Alsace.


    Défilé d'Halloween

    Défilé d'Halloween

    Bal de carnaval

    Bal de carnaval



    Alsacienne de raquettes

    Alsacienne de raquettes

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    From the 19/11/2024
    to the 01/05/2025

    Accès et ouverture des routes

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    From the 20/11/2024
    to the 15/03/2025

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Tourist office in Saint Amarin

81, rue Charles de Gaulle - 68550 SAINT-AMARIN
Monday to Saturday from 10 to 12 am and from 3 to 5 pm - On Sundays and bank holidays from 10 to 12 am.

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